Black Rock City

Burning Man, Black Rock City, Nevada is the largest intentional community on earth, and one of the world’s most unique and vibrantly creative societies. For a period of just a few weeks, once a year, more than 50,000 people gather in the unforgiving Black Rock Desert to build a city based upon 10 Principles: radical inclusion, gifting, decommodification, radical self-reliance, radical self-expression, communal effort, civic responsibility, leaving no trace, participation, and immediacy. It is, to be sure a utopian vision. But it is a also vision of great commitment, a deeply organized city sustained by the disciplined efforts of its entire population. It is this remarkable locale that will be the site of the second annual TEDxlackRockCity. This one day event will provide a stage for some of Black Rock City’s most visionary inhabitants to speak about their ideas and their creations. On a deeper level, the event will draw on the very values of the city will provide touchstones for the speakers. In this way TEDxBlackRockCity will reflect the profound philosophies upon which the society is founded.

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